
US college students feel innovative vibes in Qianhai 2024/6/21 source: Shenzhen Daily Print


U.S. students during a visit to the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub on Thursday. Zhang Yu


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Zhang Yu

A DELEGATION of 25 students from prestigious U.S. universities, currently on a study tour in Shenzhen, visited Qianhai on Thursday morning to explore its thriving innovation landscape.

The group toured key facilities including the Qianhai International Talent Hub, the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub (E-hub), and Qianhai Stone Park to learn about the dynamic and innovative environment in Qianhai.

Edward Wu, a graduating senior at the University of Pennsylvania, was very interested in understanding how Chinese companies are driving innovation and catering to consumers’ ever-changing demands. Wu noted the significance of the connections between major companies and the Qianhai International Talent Hub.

“The fact that the hub is engaging with big companies that a lot of students view as very desirable to work at, like BCG, Accenture, and EY, is a good first step in terms of creating and establishing valuable opportunities for students,” Wu told Shenzhen Daily.

Impressed by Qianhai’s skyscrapers and beautiful landscape, Wu said, “I think it’s definitely a growing area that has a big future ahead of it.”

Sharing his initial impressions of Shenzhen, Wu said, “This is my first time in Shenzhen, and all I heard was it is the ‘Silicon Valley of China.’ I think it definitely lives up to that name in terms of the amount of companies and office spaces that are here.”

Emma Kirkwood, a rising junior at the University of Virginia double majoring in Chinese and foreign affairs, is deeply impressed by the innovation in Shenzhen, which she believes serves as the driving force behind the establishment of remarkable companies.

Kirkwood grew up in Beijing and sees the study tour as a special chance to revisit China, build connections, and fully engage in its culture.

“In Qianhai, I’ve seen the supportive environment for startups with office spaces and grants for companies so that they can grow and do the great things that they’ve been doing,” she said.

Shenzhen has left a great impression on her.

“I think Shenzhen lives up to the expectation of being an innovative and a financial center,” she said.

The students are on the Shenzhen leg of their China tour until Sunday.
