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New York holds 1st Chinese food festival 发布日期:2023/9/1 来源:International Daily 打印

The New York City has held its first outdoor Chinese food and culture festival, a real feast for local foodies.

New York is home to several vibrant Chinatown communities, which first started to spring up in the second half of the 19th century, according to government records.
Given that rich history, it's surprising then that the Dragon Fest is the city's first official festival dedicated to celebrating Chinese food and culture.
"We actually saw it on social media and just wanted to come out and try different foods. So far it's pretty good," said Normaine, a New York resident.
The festival is the brainchild of entrepreneur Biubiu Xu. Originally from eastern China, the now New York resident said she had a clear vision when she came up with the idea for a "Dragon Fest".
"I've lived here for eight years and there are so many other countries-themed street fairs like Japan-fest, like France-fest, but no one do any Chinese street fair before -- and I am from China, so that's the reason I really want to help our country to do some culture-themed street fair in the New York City," she said.
She says more than 100 vendors are taking part in the inaugural festival and the turnout this past weekend was overwhelming.
"It's really surprise because it's the first event we already have 35,000 traffic and yesterday we had 50,000 traffic," she said.
One attendee said he wasn't surprised at all.
"Food always brings people together. Especially in China, like, we have a sharing food culture we want to show love to the world as well," said Charles Che, a visitor at the event.
Xu said she hopes to expand future "Dragon Fests" to other cities with large Chinese immigrant populations, including Boston and Los Angeles and incorporate more art and live performances.




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