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China launches 155th comprehensive bonded zone in Qingdao 发布日期:2023/9/1 来源:International Daily 打印

QINGDAO -- China's 155th comprehensive bonded zone officially started operation in Qingdao City of the eastern Shandong Province on Monday, with a truck loaded with electronics-related goods arriving at the zone.

The zone covers an area of 1.44 square kilometers and was approved after inspection by seven government organs in July. It is also Shandong's first airport comprehensive bonded zone.
"The primary feature is its proximity to airport warehouse area and to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization's international hub port. We have a big advantage of integrated maritime, land, air and railway logistics. We will first ensure our air cargo bonded logistics and then support development of integrated circuit, aviation development and maintenance, special cool chain and other related industries," said Sun Yafei, head of comprehensive affairs office of comprehensive bonded zone at Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport Customs.
Comprehensive bonded areas are special commercial areas that enjoy preferential tax policies and aim to facilitate international trades.
According to Qingdao Customs, in the first seven months of this year, the four comprehensive bonded zones in operation in Qingdao have achieved a total import and export value of 109.79 billion yuan (about 15 billion U.S. dollars), representing a year-on-year growth of 19.8 percent.






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