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Malaysian zoo bids adieu to two giant pandas 发布日期:2023/9/1 来源:International Daily 打印

Malaysians on Tuesday bade adieu to two giant panda cubs born in the Giant Panda Conservation Center in Zoo Negara in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur before boarding on their COVID-19 pandemic delayed return trip to China.

The cubs are the second and third cubs born in Malaysia: Yi Yi was born on Jan 14, 2018, and Sheng Yi was born on May 31, 2021. The first cub born in Malaysia, Nuan Nuan, traveled back to China in November 2017.
Their parents Xing Xing and Liang Liang, who celebrated their 17th birthday last week, will stay on in Malaysia for the time being.
Zoo Negara said in a statement that the cubs would remain in their hearts and minds through good memories and strong bonds that have been developed between the zoo's staff, handlers and visitors and the giant panda family.
Local residents, both children and parents as well as the staff members working in the zoo, gathered on both sides of the road along which the vans carrying the two panda cubs would drive pass, waving goodbye to the beloved cute siblings.
"All the children in Malaysia love to see the panda because most of them only can see the panda in the screen of television. Now, since they come to Malaysia, they all have chances to see the panda in front of their own eyes. And at this moment, most of them, especially the staff, feel so sad that they are leaving the country," said Rosly Rahmat Ahmat Lana, deputy president of Zoo Negara.
"If I have a chance in the future, I will take my kid to China to see cute giant pandas," said a local named Chen Zhenli.




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