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Trade fragmentation could be drag on global growth 发布日期:2023/9/15 来源:International Daily 打印

The 2023 World Trade Report, released by the World Trade Organization (WTO) on Tuesday, warned that early signs of fragmentation in trade could weigh on global economic growth.

The flagship publication makes a case for "re-globalization" amid early signs of fragmentation, featuring findings on how such a process - defined by increased international cooperation and broader integration -- could support security, inclusiveness, and environmental sustainability.
It also presents new evidence of the benefits of broader, more inclusive economic integration as early indications of trade fragmentation threaten to unwind growth and development.
Noting geopolitical tensions, the document identified two unofficial global trade blocs in which trade is growing faster between countries within each bloc than across blocs.
Against the backdrop of this fragmentation, enhancing multilateral cooperation can be an effective solution to global challenges and can contribute to a more secure, inclusive and sustainable global economy, according to the report.
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General of the WTO, noted in the report that the international community should continue to improve the multilateral trading system as the openness and predictability of the global economy continue to face challenges.




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