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Foreign skiers flock to Chongli to experience winter sports charm 发布日期:2024/12/20 来源:International Daily 打印

An increasing influx of foreign ski enthusiasts are flocking to ski resorts in Chongli District of north China's Zhangjiakou City to embrace winter activities.

A series of International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS) events are taking place in Chongli and athletes from various countries and regions are practicing skillful maneuvers on the slopesmn in intense preparations for the upcoming competitions.
In addition to fierce competitions on the slopes, the popularity of skiing remains high off the slopes as well.
Since the ski season started in November, the influx of tourists to Chongli's ski resorts has been steadily increasing. 
The person in charge of the Wanlong ski resort said during the FIS events, the daily average number of tourists surpasses 5,000, with foreign visitors making up about 10 percent.
"Actually, I sent some picture to my son and my family home, and they say, oh, it's fantastic, you have the restaurant here, you have the slope in front of the hotel, you're so lucky, so yeah," said Nicholas, a tourist from France. 
Furthermore, many ski resorts in Chongli are offering round-the-clock skiing services and nighttime winter activities. In the evening, as the outdoor temperature in the district approaches minus 20 degrees Celsius, the ski resorts are brightly illuminated, presenting dazzling light displays that provide foreign tourists with a unique and warm experience.
"We go to see the Olympic (venues), and we've been around today, and it was very cool, so we wanna go skiing here as well, because it looks very nice," said Marcel, a tourist from Germany.
"I've skied all over Europe and this is the best atmosphere I've seen, it's so good, the lasers, the snow, it's really good. I feel really happy to be here," said Connor, a tourist from Ireland.
Since the ski season began at the ski resorts in November, Chongli has welcomed over a million visitors, indicating a nearly 20-percent increase compared to the previous year.




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