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California on track to surpass 3,000 miles of broadband construction by end of year 发布日期:2024/12/20 来源:International Daily 打印

SACRAMENTO – By the end of this year, more than 3,000 miles of the backbone “middle mile” broadband network will be under construction and expansion, paving the way to connect millions of Californians to high-speed internet. This publicly funded, owned and open-access network is set to be the nation’s largest. 

The California Department of Technology (CDT) recently sealed two more joint-build agreements with the Karuk Tribe in the northern part of the state and the Gateway Cities Council of Governments in the southern part of the state. These joint-build partnerships pave the way for 46 miles across county and tribal lands and a 73-mile stretch of network in southeast Los Angeles County, connecting 26 cities, many of them historically underserved communities.

Expanding  the state’s broadband network is a key part of Governor Gavin Newsom’s build more, faster agenda delivering infrastructure upgrades across the state. 

“We are building the nation’s largest open-access broadband network of its kind to ensure all Californians have access to reliable, high-speed internet. Our historic investments not only set California on track to thrive in the digital world, it provides the foundation for our economy and our workers to flourish,” said Governor Gavin Newsom.








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