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Winter tourism heats up across China 发布日期:2024/12/27 来源:International daily 打印

Winter tourism heats up across China.jpg

China's snow and ice tourism is entering peak season as the colder months set in, with a series of new attractions and activities launched by local authorities to lure visitors from far and wide.
At the iconic Ice and Snow World in Changchun City in northeast China's Jilin Province, fireworks light up the night sky alongside a spectacular sound and light show.

The park area expands to 1.56 million square meters this year, featuring 200 snow sculpture displays. To enhance visitor experience, local authorities have introduced a variety of winter activities, including live performances, photo opportunities, and diverse cuisines.
In Wuwei City, northwest China's Gansu Province, tourists can enjoy skiing while also immersing themselves in the local culture at nearby resorts.

In Baotou City, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, authorities have introduced a series of intangible cultural heritage experiences, such as paper-cutting, to appeal to visitors who come to admire the majestic winter landscape of the Yellow River.

In Manasi County of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, traditional horseback sheep-catching competitions have been drawing large crowds of tourists.

"The horse racing and sheep-catching competitions are amazing. The excitement of the chase shows the speed and passion of the participants in winter," said Wang Haobo, a tourist.

In southern China, several ski resorts have gradually been opening to the public.
In Chengdu City, Sichuan Province in the southwest, the Xiling Snow Mountain Ski Resort offers over various activities for tourists to enjoy the winter season.

Meanwhile, a newly upgraded ski resort in Enshi City in the northern Hubei Province, now features new camping areas and guesthouses, attracting tourists from all over the country.

"I expect to have lots of fun on the ice and snow as I plan to stay here for a night or two to fully experience the winter atmosphere," said Hu Rong, a tourist.




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