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Birdwatching boom fuels eco-tourism growth in Qingdao 发布日期:2025/2/17 来源:International Daily 打印

QINGDAO - The growing popularity of birdwatching is driving the expansion of eco-tourism in Qingdao, as nature enthusiasts flock to scenic spots in Qingdao to observe rare and migratory bird species.

At Zhanqiao Pier on the southern shore of Shandong's coastal city Qingdao, flocks of seagulls have drawn numerous tourists eager to capture the moment in photos.
"A large number of seagulls have gathered around our scenic spot, and it is estimated that there are more than 100,000 here," said Xie Yong, deputy director of the Zhanqiao Pier Scenic Spot Management Center.

"It's my first time seeing so many migratory birds, it's truly spectacular and beautiful," said a boy.





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