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Special Chinese culture exhibition unveiled at UN headquarters 发布日期:2023/7/3 来源:International Daily 打印

A special exhibit which takes a journey back thousands of years to examine the historically rich and diverse culture of ancient Chinese and Asian civilizations was unveiled at the United Nations headquarters in New York City on Monday.

Dubbed "A Journey through Civilizations", the two-week-long display is curated by the China Central Television (CCTV) United Nations division.

The crafts, artifacts and multimedia displays will act as a magnet for diplomats, dignitaries and visitors to the UN alike and reflect on China and other Asian cultures past, present, and future.

From high-tech displays representing diverse civilizations thousands of years old, to modern twists on those civilizations, the exhibit offers a modern take on a number of civilizations that date back as far as 5,000 years.

Several UN staff members shared their impressions about China, with some enchanted by its age-old customs and traditions, and others marveling at the modern developments which have thrust the country right into the future.

"The ancient culture, how they're able to preserve that in the modern day, that's something [special]. The culture has not been eroded by modernization, so they set the standard using their own ancient culture as the standard," said UN staffer Kola Olugbyeo during an interview with the China Global Television Network (CGTN).

"I've seen the motorways and the railway lines they've been building, they're building literally thousands of kilometers a year. And I've been comparing that to some of my U.S. colleagues here, saying they're going to get so far ahead of the U.S. because they're investing in these infrastructures and the foundations', which I feel in other countries have been left to rot somewhat," said Ryan Stephenson, another UN staff member.




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