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“Heat Ready CA” Will Help Californians Stay Safer From Extreme Heat 发布日期:2023/7/14 来源:International daily 打印

“Heat Ready CA” Will Help Californians Stay Safer From Extreme Heat.jpg

SACRAMENTO – As California experiences more frequent and severe heat waves driven by the climate crisis, Governor Gavin Newsom on Jul 11 launched Heat Ready CA (HeatReadyCA.com), one of the nation’s first statewide multi-ethnic awareness and education campaigns designed to keep Californians safe during extreme heat.

The two-year $20 million campaign focuses on heat-sensitive groups at highest risk, including those 65 years of age or older, workers, and individuals with chronic illness, disabilities or who are pregnant. The campaign is part of the Governor’s Extreme Heat Action Plan, which is backed by more than $400 million, to guide the state’s response to heatwaves, ensuring California is reaching vulnerable communities, protecting frontline workers and helping communities stand up cooling centers.

“The impacts of climate change have never been more clear – the hots continue to get hotter in our state and across the West putting millions of Californians at risk,” said Governor Newsom. “California is launching Heat Ready CA as another tool in the state’s arsenal to protect people from extreme heat. We’re asking everyone to stay alert to changing weather and take the necessary steps to keep themselves and their families safer from deadly heatwaves.”

This launch comes as much of California and the southwestern U.S. are expected to experience extreme heat that the National Weather Service has said will “rival some of the worst heat waves this area has ever seen.” California is expected to move into Phase II of its Extreme Temperature Response Plan today, which calls for increased coordination among state agencies and local partners. Excessive heat watches and warnings are in effect across the southern half of the state, with additional watches, warnings, and advisories possible farther north, including the San Joaquin Valley.  The hottest temperatures are currently forecast for Wednesday through Sunday.




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