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Governor Newsom Signs Infrastructure & Budget Legislation to Build More, Faster 发布日期:2023/7/14 来源:International daily 打印

Governor Newsom Signs Infrastructure & Budget Legislation to Build More, Faster.jpg

SACRAMENTO – On July 11, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law a slate of bills to accelerate critical infrastructure projects across California that help build our 100% clean electric grid, ensure safe drinking water and boost the state’s water supply and modernize our transportation system.

The legislation represents an urgent push by Governor Newsom to take full advantage of an unprecedented $180 billion in state, local, and federal infrastructure funds over the next ten years – critical to achieving California’s world-leading climate and clean energy goals while also creating up to 400,000 good-paying jobs.

By streamlining permitting, cutting red tape, and allowing state agencies to use new project delivery methods, this legislation will maximize taxpayer dollars and accelerate timelines of projects throughout the state, while ensuring appropriate environmental review and community engagement.

 “For decades, infrastructure projects critical to our future have stalled because of a pervasive mindset of ‘no.’ With this legislation, California is saying ‘yes’ to building the clean energy, safe drinking water and transportation projects we need to deliver on our world-leading climate action. Now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and build California’s future.” said Governor Newsom.

Current construction procurement processes drive delays and increase project costs. The legislation includes methods to offer a streamlined process for project delivery to reduce project timeframes and costs. 




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