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Los Angeles County Celebrates Child Support Awareness Month 发布日期:2023/8/4 来源:International Daily 打印

COMMERCE, CA – The Los Angeles County Child Support Services Department (CSSD), in partnership with 47 county and regional child support offices, is excited to announce that August is Child Support Awareness Month (CSAM), which is recognized in California and nationwide.

CSSD understands that every co-parent has different wants and needs for their children, but all have the same shared goal: to ensure their children thrive. This year’s theme to celebrate CSAM is, “Different Wants, Different Needs, One Shared Goal.”

During the month of August, CSSD has a prepared extensive offerings to observe and lift up the message of child support, including virtual and in-person community outreach events to educate the public about child support services and meet parents where they are, a social media toolkit in English and Spanish to share with County partners, as well as multiple department-led donation drives to provide much needed supplies for children as they return back to school at the end of summer.

Also, CSSD is dedicated to assisting parents with services available to fathers, mothers, and guardians, and which are designed to be neutral, helpful, and fair. Additionally, co-parents navigating the legal system of child support can apply online at cssd.lacounty.gov, speak to a child support professional at (866) 901-3212, or inquire at any of CSSD’s six division offices throughout Los Angeles County for help with every phase of the process, including adapting support orders to changed circumstances. Parents with an existing case can access information 24/7 via Customer Connect at childsupport.ca.gov.

During Child Support Awareness Month, it is important to remember that every family, in all their diverse shapes and sizes, has different wants and needs, but we all have the same shared goal: protecting and uplifting the generations of our future. For more information about the programs available through the Los Angeles County Child Support Services Department, visit cssd.lacounty.gov.





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