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Giant panda Lou Shen spends 20th birthday by enjoying giant cake 发布日期:2023/8/4 来源:International Daily 打印

Giant panda Lou Sheng living at the Qinling Giant Panda Research Center in northwest China's Shaanxi Province spent her 20th birthday on Wednesday by enjoying the annual treat of a giant cake made of carrots, apples and her favorite bamboos.

Lou Sheng was the first one of captive breeding at the Qinling Giant Panda Research Center.
Born to her mother Xue Xue and father Ping Ping, Lou Sheng has given birth to seven pandas so far. In 2020, a daughter of Lou Sheng, Yong Yong, also became a mother, making her a grandmother.
Giant pandas can live for 18 to 20 years in the wild, but may live for 30 years in captivity.




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