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Int'l conference on audiovisual development opens in Beijing 发布日期:2023/8/4 来源:International Daily 打印

An international audiovisual conference opened on Thursday in Beijing, attracting 200-plus enterprises and research institutions in the sector from across the globe.

With the theme of "Smart Radio and Television, Audiovisual Development in Future," the China (Beijing) International Audiovisual Conference aims to promote international exchanges on the industry's development and cooperation.
The event set up seven exhibition zones based on different subjects to display cutting-edge techniques and products in the audiovisual industry.
What's more, an audiovisual industrial park was unveiled at the conference to rev up the whole-chain growth.
"Underpinned by technologies and contents, the industrial park is home to about 60 audiovisual firms, and two professional ultra-high definition labs," said Zhang Wenyuan, manager of the industrial park.
The conference will host more than 30 summits and panels where 300-plus industry insiders and institutional investors will have in-depth discussions on innovation outcomes and the development trend in the sector.
"We hope to deepen exchanges and cooperation among all professional institutions via this platform by combining exhibitions and forums, so as to promote the development in the audiovisual industry," said Kong Jianhua, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau.
The conference is scheduled to last four days.




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