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Governor Newsom Announces New Strategy to Develop a Hydrogen Economy of the Future 发布日期:2023/8/11 来源:International Daily 打印

SACRAMENTO – Governor Gavin Newsom has directed the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) to develop California’s Hydrogen Market Development Strategy, employing an all-of-government approach to building up California’s clean, renewable hydrogen market. It will closely resemble the Zero-Emission Vehicle Market Development Strategy to help California collectively move forward and deliver zero-emission benefits to all Californians.

“California is all in on clean, renewable hydrogen – an essential aspect of how we’ll power our future and cut pollution,” said Governor Newsom. “This strategy will lay out the pathway for building a robust hydrogen market to help us fully embrace this source of clean energy.”

This strategy will expand the market for clean, renewable hydrogen is key to achieving California’s climate goals – especially for a clean electric grid, net-zero carbon emissions, and drastically cutting air pollution.

California is currently competing to become a federally funded Hydrogen Hub, a program that will leverage $8 billion from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to establish at least four Hydrogen Hubs across the United States.




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