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Xi'an summer camp fosters stronger friendship between Chinese, Kazakh students 发布日期:2023/8/11 来源:International Daily 打印

The 2023 Belt and Road Summer Camp for Kazakh primary and secondary school students opened on Tuesday in Xi'an City, capital of northwest Chinas' Shaanxi Province, aimed at promoting people-to-people exchanges between the two countries.

The camp, the first of its kind in the city, allows young students from Kazakhstan to experience traditional Chinese culture and food and visit the charismatic city with a splendid history that dates back to several thousand years ago.
At the opening ceremony, local authorities welcomed the young friends from afar. Participants performed songs and dances together and had interactive classes on Chinese culture, calligraphy and Tai Chi.
"China is great and Xi'an City is very good. I am one of the Dungan people. Now I'm speaking the Shaanxi dialect. Today I learned Chinese calligraphy and Tai Chi, which we don't have in Kazakhstan. These are part of the Chinese culture that everyone knows and wants to learn about," said Lou Sabira, one of the camp's participants.
"We arranged their accommodation, foods and tour routes according to their customs. And we've also arranged for them to experience Chinese culture, because we're connected by hearts, and I hope that our friendship will be bridged through Chinese culture," said Wang Lijuan, principal of Xi'an Boai School.
The school has been focusing on international education for years and nurtured over 5,000 primary and secondary school students from 16 countries along the Belt and Road such as Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.




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