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【大美广东·中英双语】广州宝墨园:锦鲤仙子花样浮泳将在中秋节上演 发布日期:2024/9/11 来源: 打印

Guangzhou BaoMo Garden: Koi fish mermaids will perform synchronized swimming at Mid-Autumn Festival

During the Mid-Autumn Festival from September 15 to 17, Guangzhou BaoMo Garden will carry out the Mid-Autumn Festival themed creative performance activities, combining the cultural tourism resources of koi with the cultural IP of mermaids, and integrating the form of synchronized swimming performance to show a fantastic and dreamy romantic scene.

In traditional Chinese culture, koi fish is regarded as an omen of good luck. In BaoMo Garden, countless koi fish swim in the connected waterways of the whole garden. Whenever the tourists put down the bait, the koi fish will gather with their red scales shining, which is loved by the tourists and has become the garden star.

9月15日-17日中秋节期间,宝墨园景区将开展宝墨园中秋节国潮锦鲤仙子花样浮泳创意演出活动,将锦鲤的文旅资源与国风人鱼的文化IP相结合,融入花样浮泳表演形式,展现一幅奇妙梦幻的“锦鲤望月 羽化成仙”浪漫场景。








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